5 Problems That Resolve with Veneers

If you have been staring at your mouth in the mirror, unwilling to smile or grin in public due to difficulties with your smile, you’re not alone. Thousands of Americans worry about how their smile looks, since it’s the first thing people often see when they meet you. Veneers can help make your smile something you’re proud of. 

Dr. Padmaja Yalamanchili of Fairfax Family Dentist in Virginia has helped many patients overcome their fears and regain self-confidence with a simple application of customized veneers

Dental veneers: An overview

Dental veneers are extremely thin tooth facings that fit neatly over the fronts of your teeth and present a perfect, brilliant smile. They are made of porcelain, which has the closest shine and translucency to your original teeth, and which can be carefully matched in shade for a natural looking smile you’ll be glad to show off in public. 

Porcelain is also break-and-stain resistant, so you’ll be able to enjoy your new teeth for years and years while taking care of them just as you do your regular teeth. Veneers that Dr. Yalamanchili places routinely last a decade or more, making veneers one of the most cost-efficient, effective ways of improving your smile.

5 problems you can solve with veneers

Veneers can cover a multitude of problems with your front facing teeth. These include:

1. Stains

If you have discoloration or stains caused by genetics, use of nicotine (cigarettes, cigars, or chewing tobacco) or food or beverages (such as coffee, tea, or red wine), veneers give you back a white, gleaming smile.

2. Wear

If your teeth are worn down from grinding (bruxism), an improper bite, or years of putting things in your mouth (like biting off thread for sewing, or chewing on pencils), veneers provide an even, beautiful bite.

3. Gaps

If your teeth have spaces between them or are otherwise misaligned, veneers can straighten edges and close gaps for an even, smooth appearance. 

4. Damage

Chips or cracks in your tooth enamel can leave darker lines or a crooked front bite. Veneers cover these noticeable signs of damage for a perfect smile you can be confident in.

5. Defects

Teeth that are misshapen because of an accident or a genetic fluke can leave your smile looking lopsided or odd, but veneers can cover these flaws leaving you with a charming grin.

Dr. Yalamanchili will consult with you about veneers, and recommend them if you are a suitable candidate. The process takes two visits. 

First, we’ll study your mouth and take molds of your teeth so that the veneers can be fabricated. We may shave a microscopic layer of enamel off of your front teeth so the veneers lie perfectly flush. 

Second, when your veneers arrive, Dr. Yalamanchili will see you again to apply them. She’ll bond them securely to your teeth, and instruct you on how to care for your new smile.

Ready for the smile of your dreams? Contact Dr. Yalamanchili by calling 703-213-5313, or visit the contact page for more information. 

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