New Year, New Smile with Teeth Whitening

New Year, New Smile with Teeth Whitening

Not everyone’s teeth are movie star white, and that’s natural. Most celebs have teeth whitening done as a matter of course. By getting chairside teeth whitening, you too can flash pearly whites on demand — even if no paparazzi are watching.

At the practice of Dr. Padmaja Yalamanchili in Fairfax, Virginia, Dr. Yalamanchili offers powerful chairside teeth whitening for a smile several shades whiter in just one visit. It’s an ideal gift to give yourself as you enter the New Year.

Common causes of teeth staining

Yellowed or stained teeth can have many underlying causes. Common reasons for tooth discoloration include:

Even if your stained teeth are caused by forces beyond your control, teeth whitening can make you feel like smiling broadly again.

Teeth whitening basics

Most teeth whitening processes, including at-home whitening trays, use a hydrogen peroxide blend to achieve a lighter shade by literally bleaching your teeth. 

Chairside whitening is more effective than at-home whitening kits. That’s because Dr. Yalamanchili has access to stronger hydrogen peroxide solutions and can also adequately protect your gums during treatment. 

Teeth whitening generally lasts about an hour, and you can go back to your normal activities directly afterwards. There may be some mild gum and tooth sensitivity for a few days following your whitening treatment.

After whitening

Once your smile is brightened, you’ll want to keep it that way. Start by avoiding things on the list above, like staining foods and beverages. If you love a glass of red after a strong curry, rinse your mouth with a sip of water frequently.

You can also stave off tooth discoloration with a solid at-home oral hygiene regimen. Bacteria left on your teeth can cause plaque, which hardens into unattractive yellow tartar. You should be doing your routine at least twice a day.

While most people brush their teeth, then floss them, experts say that flossing first and brushing second is best. That’s because flossing can dislodge small bits of food that may need to be brushed away before rinsing your mouth.

If you’re ready for a whiter, brighter smile that raises your self-confidence and self-esteem, teeth whitening could be perfect for you. Starting the year off with a white smile can also help motivate you to keep it that way, and help you follow any resolutions you may have made concerning your oral health.

Ready to check out teeth whitening for yourself? Call us today at 703-213-5312, or book a consultation online.

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